The Chakras

The First 3 chakras
The 7 Chakras hold an interesting part it one’s energy system.  There are 7 different chakras all holding and releasing different types of energies.  The chakras hold energy that correlates with their location on one’s body.
            The first chakra or root chakra is found on the base of the spine.  It contains energy and information corresponding with survival.  One of the most powerful chakras,  the backbone is the base for all humans. Without it we can not function.  It is the same for the first chakra without its energy one would not retain necessary survival instincts.  The Root chakra is also the epicenter for energy that relates to finances and occupation.  For examples bills, dwindling funds, and work stress take their toll on your root chakra.  Any issues that can be categorized with money can tarnish one’s root chakra.  This could be why one’s back hurts after work.

            The second chakra or spleen chakra is located near the belly button. This holds energy of emotion, sexuality and clairsentience.  The second chakra contains the sexuality of an individual.  When you are attracted to someone the second chakra will react in a unique way based on the emotional aspects of the individual.  The term butterfly in one’s stomach comes from this theory.  Or the fuzzy warm sensation one feels when their beloved is around.  The second chakra also contains energy that is required for sensing another being’s emotions.  If one is more in tune with another’s emotions they have a strong spleen chakra.  They can easily detect other’s emotional energies as well as project their own.  This ability is extremely useful and can be used in a number of situations.  A  block can form for numerous reasons in this region mainly because of pent up emotions.
            The third chakra or solar plexus chakra is just below the ribs.  It is a very tender spot on the human body.  This chakra not only contains a powerful force known as an ego but also is the main energy distributor for the energy system.   It controls how, when, why and what one uses energy for.  It is like a valve rationing energy through out the body.  The ego, a force that can control a person, an ego is who someone thinks they are and how the perceive themselves.  A large ego is someone who thinks they are the bee’s knees.   This area contains blocks relating to issues of these types.

"Your Information Source for Chakras." Your Information Source for Chakras. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. <>. This website was neatly organized and allowed me to access information extremely easily as well as very efficiently.  I gathered a lot of information from this website.  It  was created well and has a nice setup.  I had no trouble finding the information I needed.  It was also was very easy to navigate.

The relevance this website had to my inquiry project is that it focused solely on the seven chakras and gave accurate and well described information on the subject.  It not only location of each chakra but a detailed description of  each of the seven different chakras as well.

"The Seven Chakras...Seven Different Levels of Being." The Seven Chakras...Seven Levels of Being. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. <>. 
This website has been the most help of any of the websites I have used for my inquiry project. This website has all the different information I need to complete my inquiry project.  It contains information about all things relating to the energy system.  Without this website I do not believe I would be able to complete my project.
It is relevant to my inquiry project because it contains all the information I need for my project.  Everything on this website directly correlates to my inquiry project.  I have used this source on every single post. it contain information of everything and anything related to the subject.
 "Chakras and the Body Mind Interface." Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. <>.
A beautiful and stunning design can be found on it really gave me a feel of the different colors of the chakra system. It gave detailed information on the seven chakra systems and information that the other two sites did not contain. A good source for my inquiry project.
It is relevant to my inquiry project because it directly relates to this weeks post. this site offers insight on the seven chakras and that’s what this weeks post is all about.  It helped me understand and get a better feel for the seven chakras.  I can say I learned a lot from this site and will be visiting it again.

The last four Chakras
The fourth chakra: Heart Chakra.  The fourth chakra or the heart chakra is embedded into the living beings chest.  It is considered to be the center for love, validation, and the ability to be at peace.  This chakra is associated with kindness.  With a strong center for love a person is naturally going to have a kinder soul.  It also holds the secrets of what one is attracted to.  What one is drawn to.  This chakra has been related social aspects.  It controls your ability to be at peace with people and can sometimes be the reason a grudge might be held.

The fifth chakra or throat chakra.   The center point of this chakra is at the base of the neck and throat.  The fifth chakra allows one to listen to and release the inner voice.   It the center of communication to both yourself and others. It creates the energy that expresses ones uniqueness vocally and verbally.  The throat chakra also has the ability of psychic communication such as telepathy or clairaudience.

The sixth chakra or the third eye chakra.  This chakra is located in the center of the head.  Parallel to the forehead.  The third eye chakra is associated with clear seeing and clairvoyance. This means that with this chakra one can envision the truth.   It hold the ability of distinguishing truth from lie, falseness from honesty.  The third eye allows one to see spirit, clairvoyantly, it is the eye that visualizes energy.  The third eye lets the person view without judgment.

The seventh chakra also known as the crown chakra.  This chakra is found on top the head.  It holds the secrets to higher living.  It is the energy center for higher spiritual information and knowingness.   It gives one the ability to be still and conceptualize truth.  It is the direct connection to your own higher self.  It is kown as the chakra of intuition and inspiration.

The chakras are the centre of the energy system.  All energy can be traced back through the seven chakras.  Each form of energy takes a unique path that is carefully selected based on its property and values.  These properties impact which chakra the specific energy is derived from.  The ability to defer where the energy is being released from is useful in healing and other aspects of aura concepts that may exist.  They are surely one of the more interesting parts of the energy system.

" Healing, Color Interpretation, and Meditation." Chakras...Chakra Healing, Colors and Meditation. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <>.
This was beneficial to my inquiry project because it had a nice explanation of the chakras.  It also went into detail of where the chakras are located.  The website gave the color and the meaning of each different individual chakra so this made my research easier.  I could just pull the meanings off this page.

The layout of the website as usual is really well organized. The website is very easy to navigate as well as pull information out of it. the site has a side bar of all the different parts of the energy system and each bit of information are split up into paragraphs with the correct titles over head.

 "Chakra Balancing Healing." Chakra Balancing Healing. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <>.
I used this website for my semester long inquiry project because of its detailed descriptions of the chakras and chakra system. It connected the energy system and the chakra system well describing how it is the backbone of the energy system and how the chakras are the focal points of the system.

The website is easy to navigate. The colors of the website match really well with the topic. The website seems to flow really well with the subject. The tabs on the side are well placed and the information is really organized under specific titles that pertain to my subject that I chose.

"The Seven Chakras...Seven Different Levels of Being." The Seven Chakras...Seven Levels of Being. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. . 
This website has been the most help of any of the websites I have used for my inquiry project. This website has all the different information I need to complete my inquiry project. It contains information about all things relating to the energy system. Without this website I do not believe I would be able to complete my project.
It is relevant to my inquiry project because it contains all the information I need for my project. Everything on this website directly correlates to my inquiry project. I have used this source on every single post. it contain information of everything and anything related to the subject.

Benefits of Healthy chakra Point
If you are up to date on this blog, then you already know that meditation can have a plethora of benefits. But, did you know that each chakra has specific benefits associated with it? For example, if you are suffering from a disease or injury, the opening of a specific chakra will give your body the spiritual energy needed to combat the ailment. I will cover for you, the benefits you can obtain from each chakra, and how to open and maintain each. This post will review the first three. The next four will be covered in a later post.
The first chakra, the Muladhara, or root chakra, is located at the groin and is associated with being grounded to the physical world. The opening of this chakra will grant the opener with vastly increased physical activity, a feeling of being alive, and the feeling of being secure in all aspects of life. The Muladhara chakra is tricky however. Because it is the link to the physical world, it is also the link to the spiritual world. Therefore, the root chakra must not be unbalanced on either side. To balance and utilize your Muladhara chakra, make a point of dancing, singing, and walking barefoot outside. The color red also helps stimulate activity in the root chakra.
The next chakra in the line is the Svadhisthana, or sacral chakra. It is located about a hand width beneath the navel. This chakra is related to sexual capacity and guilt. The opening of this chakra will grant: a feeling of connectedness, friendly feelings, a sense of belonging, and even clairsentience; the rare psychic ability to feel what others around you are feeling. Clairsentients can read the energy of people, animals, plants, and even objects. The Svadhisthana is perhaps the most enjoyable to open and cleanse. Dancing and laughing with friends and family are all it takes!
The Manipura or solar plexus chakra is the largest in the body. When opened, the Manipura chakra can be felt on the spine just behind the solar plexus, or cross section of the rib cage. It is the center of all emotional energy. It is the source of strength, willpower, joy, and laughter. It can, however, relate to feeling of shame and anger if not properly maintained. Opening it makes one more outgoing, cheerful, respectful, skillful, and balanced in faith and spirituality. The best way to open and maintain the Manipura chakra is to focus on breathing directly from the diaphragm.

"Chakras and the Body Mind Interface." Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. .
A beautiful and stunning design can be found on it really gave me a feel of the different colors of the chakra system. It gave detailed information on the seven chakra systems and information that the other two sites did not contain. A good source for my inquiry project.
It is relevant to my inquiry project because it directly relates to this weeks post. this site offers insight on the seven chakras and that’s what this weeks post is all about. It helped me understand and get a better feel for the seven chakras. I can say I learned a lot from this site and will be visiting it again

" Healing, Color Interpretation, and Meditation." Chakras...Chakra Healing, Colors and Meditation. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <>.
This was beneficial to my inquiry project because it had a nice explanation of the chakras.  It also went into detail of where the chakras are located.  The website gave the color and the meaning of each different individual chakra so this made my research easier.  I could just pull the meanings off this page.

The layout of the website as usual is really well organized. The website is very easy to navigate as well as pull information out of it. the site has a side bar of all the different parts of the energy system and each bit of information are split up into paragraphs with the correct titles over head.
"Chakras, Chakra, Muladhara, Root / Base, Svadhisthana, Sacral, Manipura, Solar Plexus, Anahata (unstruck) Heart, Vishudda, Throat, Ajna, Third Eye / Brow, Sahasrara, Crown." Free Astrology, Tarot, Free, Psychic, Astrology, Mysticism, Reading, Forums, Numerology, Sun Signs, Divination. Web. 01 May 2012. <>.
I gained a lot of old knowledge from the website.  They have good ancient references and have information that I have not been able to locate yet.  This was exactly what I was looking for a detailed descrition on how to remove blocks on a chakra point.  It also gives examples on how to keep a point open
The website was neat.  It is very well organized which made it extremely easy to navigate.  I could skim through the site and pick out all the information I needed.  It did not bore you with useless text that means nothing and cut right to the chase.  All in all a great website.

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